Dragon Blaze Complete Gear Equipment Guide
Dragon Blaze is a fun RPG where you have to continuously grind and make your gears better for your main character and allies. In this Dragon Blaze Gear and Equipment guide, we will go over most of the general gear selection, farming, and enhancing guidelines to help you make the right decisions.
Please note that this gear guide is written more for beginner and intermediate players, advanced and hardcore player will probably not find this guide useful.
Types of Gears
The gears can be divided into 7 different categories:
Head (Hat or Helmet)
Boots or Shoe
Main Hand Weapon
Off-hand Weapon or Shield
Accessories (Earrings or Rings)
In the case of Rogue and DPS Warrior ally, main hand weapon slots are used for both hands. And the “Staff” or “Wand” weapon type / “orb” off-hand weapon is shared between Priest and mages.
For defense gears, you will get mostly defense type of stats. For the weapon gears, you will get mostly attack type of stats.
You start getting rings at a rare chance in Hero mode, consider start saving your Dragon Blaze rubies to unlock additional ring slots while grinding to pass Hero mode.
For more general information about each of the stats, please check out Dragon Blaze Stats Guide.
Allies and Equipped Gears
Your allies can equip gears too, however, these equipment are “Bound” to your allies after equipped. It means that you cannot take them off and move them to other characters including your main hero, however you can replace them with other gears. You can also “enhance” upgrade them after equipping them.
Unlike your main hero, your allies can only equip 3 gears and 1 accessory slot. The gear slots include main and off hand weapons or shields, and 1 armor slot.
The only difference is that DPS warrior allies can equip two swords.
The latest update of the game on 6/22/15 included the ability for allies to equip “cards”. Cards are obtained via Daily dungeons which can be found at various difficulties. Higher difficulty daily dungeons drop better ally cards.
Gear Grades
Gear grades are divided into the following ranking much like your allies.
Red (Legendary SSS)
Orange (SS)
Purple (S)
Blue (A)
Green (B)
White (C)
In terms of main stats itself, a higher grade is usually equal to 2~4 levels of stats. For example, a Orange level 34 has similar stats to a level 30~32 Purple gear.
In general, you will mainly use Orange / Purple gears in Normal mode, Orange gears in Hero mode, and Legendary gears in Legendary mode. Legendary rank gears are only dropped in Legendary mode story dungeons and raids.
Purple accessories start to drop in Hero modes at the last boss stage at the end of each section. Red or legendary accessories can be obtained in Legendary modes at the last boss stage at the end of each section, and in raids. The drop rates are pretty rare so do not expect to get them any time fast.
Gear Enhancement
When you enhance gears, gears will gain additional defense for armors and shields, and additional attack for weapon type equipment. If the Dragon Blaze gear is enchanted with stats, those stats will also get a percentage boost with each of the enhancement upgrade.
This means that you should always only enhance gears with stats that you use, otherwise you would almost always be wasting gold.
Gear enhancement requires another “feeder” equipment and some gold. The feeder equip is lost after the enhance attempt. You can only use the same grade or lower for the gear enhance. Higher grade gears have better chances. Like Dragon Blaze ally enhancement, you gain additional success bonus after failure.
With Dragon Blaze, it can be pretty tough to earn gold in the game, so you should generally only use gears of the same grade to enhance. It is true especially after you get to at least +3 on your gears.
If you can choose, you should generally enhance your weapons first as they help more with your DPS and heal amount.
Gear Raid Sets and Bonuses
Each of the raids have chances of dropping “raid” gears where if you wear a set, you can get some additional set bonuses.
You should generally not stress over set bonuses in Normal mode. In hero mode you will start care about set bonus to boost either your damage or defense. And in legendary mode you should care about set bonuses as you work to complete your end game gears.
Gear set bonuses come in pairs. You get additional set boost with 2, 4, and 6 pieces of gears. Thus, some people choose to mix and match different sets to maximize their build.
Although gear sets offer some nice additional bonuses, you should still care about stats that actually matter for your class. For example, INT + Mana stat is useless for Rogue even if they come in sets.
How to Pick The Best Type of Weapons
Different classes have different stats that they care about. If you have raid set gears, take into consideration of the various stat boost bonus that they give as well.
The stat on left of the > means that it is more important. The stats with the = means that they are equally important.
Rogue / Archer – DEX > HP = DEF > EVA
Mage – INT > HP = DEF > EVA
Warrior – DEF = EVA > HP > STA > STR
Warrior Shield – DEF = EVA > HP > STA > STR
Priest – INT = EVA > HP > DEF > STA > DEX.
For priest especially, you may need 1~2 gears with immunity boost to decrease chance and shorten the amount time of silence or stun debuff.
Rogue / Archer – Crit Rate > Crit Damage > Weapon ATK > Boss Damage > Defense Penetration > Dex
Mage – Crit Rate > Crit Damage > Weapon ATK > Boss Damage > Defense Penetration > Int
Priest – Weapon ATK > Int > Max Mana Increase
Warrior (Tank) – Defense Penetration > Weapon ATK > Boss Damage
Warrior (DPS) – Crit Rate > Crit Damage > Weapon ATK > Boss Damage > Defense Penetration
It should be noted that during Early game in Normal mode, normal Weapon attack may be more important since your other general stats are relatively much weaker.
For Mage and Priest however, consider getting Mana Pool Increase and mana regen boost if you find yourself constantly running out of Mana during battles. However, it may be simply that the DPS in your team is not dishing damage fast enough.
The reason that warrior may benefit more from defense penetration is that warriors focus their shield stat for the defensive benefit, this means them relatively weaker to get full Crit on both main and offhand weapon.