Super Monsters Ate My Condo! Complete Guide
Super Monsters Ate My Condo! is yet another awesome game released by Adult Swim. In this guide, we will go through the various details and guides about the game. If you are looking to push your game to the next level, use these pointers to help you get more points and last longer. Please check out the rest of our Mobile App Game Guides and please share them with your online friends if you have found it to be helpful!
Super Monster Ate My Condo! Gameplay Tips
As you advance and earn money in the game, you can use coins to purchase boosts or monster hats. The boosts can help you last longer while the monster hats increase your starting multiplier. When you swipe upgraded condos to any monsters will extend the timers for the Yellow & Green boost starts. However, avoid going into MegaZone but it will end the power up.
1. Switch the monster early on for Green. Combine that with cats to gain the most condo upgrades possible.
2. Use Dog + Green/Yellow Monster combos for awesome bonuses. You could most likely get the highest possible using this combo.
3. Using boost: Green 2x, Double Good, and Slow Chain. Focus on pink condos early on with Blue Monster’s power. This strategy will help you to earn enough coins to use these boosts almost every game if you play decent enough.
How to Get Higher Scores
Matching the metallic condos will give you the best points. Remember to time the colors and clocks well to extend your game play time for higher scores.
Use Events: The game also hosts events from time to time which can be a great way to earn crazy points in the game. Take advantage of those special events to get the highest scores possible.
How to Get More Play Time Notes
Although you start with only 2 minutes in the game, you can extend the clock through boosts or collecting clock condos. A chain of +3 matches will create a clock condo and +1 second per condo in a match with a clock. By playing strategically, the game can last pretty long. Thus always try to match the clock condo with a match if possible instead of using them right away.
You can also win additional time from the chance wheel at the end. You can win +15 or +30 seconds as well as free boosts and coins. It should be noted that the Super Monsters Ate My Condo! chance wheel is doubled is you purchase the doubler too. However they do require real money in-app purchase.
Special SMAMC Condo Blocks
Below are some of the special condo buildings that appear throughout the game play. Usually as you move through the game, you will unlock additional condos that will enable to earn higher score in Super Monsters Ate My Condo!
Acid Condo: Will melt through the condo below it when timer reaches zero.
Bomb Condo: Cannot be removed directly, but you can disable the bombs if you match condo units above or below them.
Cat Condo: Increasing Condo upgrades.
Clock Condo: Increase your game play time.
Concrete Condo: Monsters will not eat this type of condo. However they will disappear when included in a chain of color.
Dog Condo: Activate 2 monster powers at the same time.
Multiplier Condo: Increase scores with multiple matches
Piggy Bank: If you match five or more condos in one go, you will receive a piggy bank.
Nuke Condos: This condo will instantly end your game if you do not disable it fast enough. Disable the nuke condos with a match above or below this unit in Super Monsters Ate My Condo!
Upgrades Condos: Activate Monster powers and are created from match up combos.
Special Super Monsters Powers
Each of the Monster in Super Monsters Ate My Condo! has a special power. You can activate these speicla powers by feeding them bronze, silver, gold, or diamond condos. Below is a list of the monsters powers.
Boat Head – A giant crab that can slow down time, put monsters to sleep, and stop bomb ticking timer.
Mr. Shigoto – A green Super monster that can create two upgraded condo from each match-up.
Reginald Starfire = Blue Super monster temporarily prevents precarious tower from falling. Receive double the loots from piggy banks, clocks, and condos.
Lord Ferocious – The Yellow Super Monster that activates a temporary 10X score multiplier.
Boosters Notes
As you advance through the levels, you will unlock boosters to help you in the game. Below is a list of these Super Monsters Ate My Condo! Boosters and what they do for your:
Double Start: Activate green monster’s power for first 30 seconds.
Boost Start: Activate Yellow Monster’s power for first 20 seconds.
Extra Time: Ads 30 seconds to the clock
Starting Cat: Starts with a cat condo
Slow Chain: Gives double time to make matches
Multiplier +10: Starts with 10 points on the beginning multiplier
Mega Boost: Activates Yellow Monster’s Power for first 15 seconds of every 3 diamonds matched (Mega Zone).
Double Good: Gives double piggy banks, clocks, and multiplier for first 30 seconds.
Starting Dog: Boosts upgrades like cats which can activate two monsters power at the same time.