How to Catch Fish and Make Money | Ace Fishing: Wild Catch
How to Make More Money
Finish Quests
Use and Invest in Fish Tanks
Avoid Opening Treasure Chests via Gold
Time Your Initial Cast Well
Be Patient and Save Up
Activate Boosters
Fish Book Completions
Win at Tournaments
Participate in Events
Purchase with Real World Cash
How to Catch More Fish
Strength Bar Fill
Fish Yanking
Understanding Fish’s Behavior
Increase Your Damage to the Fish
Stacking Rod’s and Reel’s Special Properties
Use Rare Lures Together with Long Lines
Backward Fishing for Boss Fishes
Ace Fishing: Wild Catch Cash Money Making Guide
Having money is extremely important in the game as you will need them to upgrade your tackle (rods and reels), buy lures lines, and to repair your gears. In this complete money making guide, we will go through the various ways for you to earn more coins in the game. Please let us know if you have any other tips to make money!
Please note that this guide is more geared towards fishing game beginners or intermediate players who are looking to make their game better. Most advanced players may know or utilize these tips without thinking about them. So enjoy! Please check our mobile game guides page for more mobile game guide tips.
Finish Quests
One of the easiest way to earn more money in the beginning is through quests. Complete the main quests as early as you can so that you can take advantage of later fish catching quests. Do not forget the daily quests that come every day as well. Visit the areas that you have past on a daily basis to see how far you have gone and pick up quest rewards along the way. You can also get Cash from time to time so that you can buy the OP cash gears.
Use and Invest in Fish Tanks
Fish tanks are extremely important as they can potentially double your fishing coin earning in most cases. Invest in them early on. Placing all the fish into the tanks and sell them after they MAX. They are actually one of the best places to spend your cash as well. As you can outgrow your early cash gears, you will not outgrow the fish tanks slots.
Avoid Opening Treasure Chests via Gold
The gold wooden treasure chest that you can open via Gold is really a rip off. Do not waste your gold on that unless you have reached the final end game where you have unlimited gold to spend. You are better off spending your gold to upgrade or wait for the next tier of tackles.
Time Your Initial Cast Well
The Big Fish Bonus comes from initial cast can help you make more money. Be patient and practice to master your cast. By having a perfect cast, you get an additional 15% bonus. By having a great cast, you get an additional 10% bonus. It is fairly easily to do a great cast. So always pull those off to make more money.
Be Patient and Save Up
If you are able to handle any specific map with your existing gear, then do so. Sometimes you find that you can spend tons of gold to max a rod only to be a couple thousands short of the next tier. Avoid maxing those rods and reels and only aim for the upgrade enough for you. Or if you are a couple levels away from unlocking that next tier, be patient and save up. Check ahead to see how much gold you actually need and plan ahead.
In addition, do not waste your money on “common lures” as they do not seem to have any boost towards the rarity or size of the fishes.
Concentrate with all of your casts and pulls. By not messing up with any of your fishing trips, you will instead save up on repair costs and those savings add up into your bank’s coffer.
Activate Boosters
Boosters can be bought from the shop using cash. These items can be used to boost various stats including XP, Gold, Rarity, Damage, Big Fish Chance, and lastly Power Skill. The one that we think is the most important is the Rarity Chance as they can improve your chances of those harder to come by fishes. However, only purchase boosters if you have a fat wallet and loaded in real life. As these boosters are one time use consumable.
Fish Book Completions
Complete the fish capture list for rewards. By gaining these items, you earn money by saving money that you do not have to spend them. Unlike other games, these rewards actually come in handy since you need those to catch more rare and advanced fish.
Win at Tournaments
Tournaments reward you with awesome prizes including tons of gold coins, rare lures, and even cash. There are level caps for the tournaments the same as level requirements for the region.
Participate in Events
Depending on the events, some events can help you generate more gold than playing the areas by themselves. Visit and read the event rules to see how you can take advantage of it to make more money.
Purchase with Real World Cash
The last and sure fire way to make money is to spend some real world cash. This is that bad of a way considering how slow it is to generate gold in this game. However, you may be better off spending or investing them on fish tanks or save the dough on end game rods and reels.
Catching and advancing in Ace Fishing: Wild Catch can be tough if you do not know what you are doing. In this complete guide, we will go over various points to help you catch all the fishes including the boss fishes. Please note that some of these tips may only be useful to you if you are beginning to intermediate players. Please feel free to leave your tips too if you have some tricks or cheats as well.
Please use the index to quickly browse through the main methods of how to catch fish in Ace Fishing: Wild Catch that we have to offer. If you are interested to learn more about the game, please check our mobile game guides index.
Catching the Fish
You first go through these techniques through your beginner’s tutorials, they are so important that you will keep on using them and eventually mastering the techniques to become to best fisher in the game.
Strength Bar Fill
When you fill up the strength bar, sliding the reel button up can pull the fishing rod. This is extremely important against rare and boss fishes, as it is your main method of pulling in the fish to shorten the line distance. Without able to release the strength bar a couple of times, chances are your lines will not hold.
Your goal is to fill up the strength bar as fast as you can to avoid complications. You have two methods of filling up the strength bar.
1. Consecutive Spins
Usually common and non rare fish will let you have more consecutive spins. When consecutive spin occurs, the fish icon becomes green and you can gain strength bar fairly quickly. However, for boss fishes you typically have to rely more on maximum tension.
2. Maximum Tension Point
Keeping the line at max tension can boost your strength bar. However, keeping it for too long will cause the line to break. Practice and practice to fully master the art of keeping the line at max at all times without breaking it.
It should also be noted that having the tension below the minimum can lose the fish as well.
Fish Yanking
While fighting with the fish, sometimes they will fly out of the water and allowing you to yank them. A left or right arrow will appear at the bottom, always make sure that you hit those marks in time to get some free line distance quickly.
Yanking the fishes shortens the line for a second or two after you successfully execute the yanking pull.
Understanding Fish’s Behavior
Different fishes behave differently, take the time to fish in a certain region for a long period of time to understand their pattern. The pattern matters as well relative to your own gears. When you are new to the region, slow down and practice with the fish’ behavior pattern to have an easier time of catching them.
The fishes pattern usually switch between the following patterns:
1. Fighting Mode – This is when you can tighten your tension really fast to break the line.
2. Green Mode – This mode lets you do consecutive spins to build up the strength gauge.
3. Exhaustion Mode – This mode is a little rare which trick you into releasing the pull. During this mode you can actually shorten the line or even pull the fish in if they’re close enough.
4. Full Exhaustion Mode – You achieve this mode when you take the fish’s strength or the yellow bar hp all the way to zero. During this stage you will have to pull to bring the fish in, if you let go of the reel you can still lose them.
Increase Your Damage to the Fish
To boost the speed and ease of you catching the fish, you both have to master the technique and have the right gears. Below are some of the major factors that involve with the damage in terms of gears.
1. Rod Damage Score
2. Rod’s Special Extra Properties
3. Boosters Active
4. Reel Damage Score
5. Reel’s Special Extra Properties
6. Line’s Tension Rating
To improve the damage, you could consider “power-up” both your rod and reels. You should however, only upgrade green or above rod or reels as it would really be a waste of coins with white. Or if you have the cash, use some real money to get 4 or 5 stars parts and upgrade them for the full effect.
During early stages, you will have enough coins saved up to get later tiered rods and reels. However, as you progress through the stages, you may find it necessary to power them up individually until you can tackle later stages.
In addition, you should only upgrade later gears instead of earlier levels as you can progress through the earlier rods fairly quickly. Only pump you hard earned coins when it is absolutely necessary for you to do so.
Your character levels do not seem to affect the level up chance of your rods or reels. However, higher level “standard” upgrades using coins can fail.
Stacking Rod’s and Reel’s Special Properties
Although this tip should fall into the one where you should boost your damage. But it should be noted that you should aim to have gears specialized in certain areas to improve your damage. By stacking the damage bonus, you will have even better shots to catch the fish in that specific area.
Use Rare Lures Together with Long Lines
When you implement anything but common lures, you have a chance of encountering boss fishes. The chances are that without the longer lines, your big boss fish will simply swim away. So always equip both the rare lures along with the long lines if you are starting to do boss hunt fishing. Never equip one without the other. This way can save you the repair fees for both your rods and reels as well.
Now, if you use longer lines to a normal lure, that would be a waste of line as well. As you never need the line length or tension to catch the weaker normal fishes (given you have enough rod and reel power).
Backward Fishing for Boss Fishes
When you have trouble beating the bosses of your specific area, consider to move ahead in areas. Bosses become much easier with higher level fishing gears and lines.